12:58 AM / Posted by Sheldon /

16 July 2009,
I spoke with a family representative and confirmed that Mischa Barton was taken to the hospital due to complications from oral surgery.
Contrary to the gossip that has been tweeted by the LA Police and Access Hollywood there was nothing illicit going on as was implied. The surgery involved deep impacted wisdom teeth that had to be removed from her jaw bones.
Her family is with her and she is being treated with antibiotics.

As a rule of thumb, the younger the age of the person having the wisdom teeth extractions the less potential they will have for experiencing complications. Studies have shown that the number of complications, related to both healing as well as the procedure itself, that occur in association with wisdom tooth extractions increases once a patient has passed into their mid to late 20’s.
The pain associated with a dry socket can be moderate to severe in intensity and often has a throbbing component. The pain can be just localized to the extraction site or it may radiate from the extraction site to the patient’s ear or eye (on the same side of their face).
A dry socket, more formally referred to as alveolar osteitis by dentists, is a fairly common complication associated with tooth extractions. The formation of a dry socket involves a scenario where the blood clot which forms in the tooth socket’s after the extraction isn’t properly retained (either it disintegrates by way of fibrinolysis or becomes dislodged). Since this blood clot is an important factor in protecting the boney socket and initiating the healing process, the healing of the extraction site is interrupted and becomes delayed. - rPulse.com

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